Historically February is the worst month of the year for me. I just always feel stuck. This is the time of the year that I sit bitterly watching reality tv shows that take place in the tropics or binge watch anything that takes place in another...
Historically February is the worst month of the year for me.
I just always feel stuck.
This is the time of the year that I sit bitterly watching reality tv shows that take place in the tropics or binge watch anything that takes place in another part of the world so I can both hate that I’m not there and fantasize about being there.
During this time I have to work hard to limit complaining to my friends, temper my frustration at home with my family and speak more tenderly to myself.
I have to remind myself…”It’s ok… you’re going to make it through this. Be ok with being uncomfortable.”
How many times have you done anything to forget how uncomfortable caregiving is for you?
Listen to episode 150 to learn how being uncomfortable is normal and what you can do when it happens to you.
Find more episodes and downloads as https://www.loveyourcaregivinglife.com