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Oct. 6, 2022

How Caregivers can Find Love for Themselves in Just 10 Minutes a Day

We spend a lot of time wishing we were loved more, appreciated more, and seen. We base our future happiness on the health of the people we care for. How many times do you think or say that you’ll do something for yourself or feel happier once they...

We spend a lot of time wishing we were loved more, appreciated more, and seen. We base our future happiness on the health of the people we care for. How many times do you think or say that you’ll do something for yourself or feel happier once they recover or feel better? So we spend forever waiting because even if that day were to come we would probably push finding our own happiness to the side. 

We can’t base our happiness and our self-love on other people. Yes, people in our lives can bring us happiness. We feel good about ourselves when we feel we are truly seen by people. However, that happiness doesn’t last long. 

Somehow we have to find that happiness and love from within ourselves.

Listen to this episode to learn how you can do that in 10 minutes a day.