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Dec. 22, 2022

How Letting Our Caregiving Fears of the Future Steals Our Ability to Enjoy the Present

How Letting Our Caregiving Fears of the Future Steals Our Ability to Enjoy the Present

Why do we hurt our ability to enjoy the small moments in our lives by being controlled by what might happen in the future? How many times do you find yourself laughing with a group of people and then remember your loved one has a doctor’s...

Why do we hurt our ability to enjoy the small moments in our lives by being controlled by what might happen in the future?

How many times do you find yourself laughing with a group of people and then remember your loved one has a doctor’s appointment next week and suddenly feel your stomach drop? 

Or maybe living in constant worry of the possibility of losing your loved one to the point that you can never enjoy the day you’re living in with them?

Listen to Episode 142 to hear more on how you can enjoy living with your loved one and make more opportunities to enjoy life with them.

You can find more at www.loveyourcaregivinglife.com