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Oct. 13, 2022

How to Hack Your Caregiver Happiness

Negative self talk and feeling resentful and angry are all part of the caregiving experience that we’d rather not talk about. Feeling inadequate and constantly going over our mistakes when things go wrong can hijack our day and keep us from feeling...

Negative self talk and feeling resentful and angry are all part of the caregiving experience that we’d rather not talk about. Feeling inadequate and constantly going over our mistakes when things go wrong can hijack our day and keep us from feeling happiness. 

Would you like to find an easy way to..

  1. Reduce body pain and migraines.
  2. Decrease stress and anxiety
  3. Slow biological decline
  4. Nuture strong relationships.

Listen to episode 133 of the Love Your Caregiving Life Playlist to find out how.