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May 5, 2022

How to Know if You're Ready to Enjoy Your Life as a Caregiver

How to Know if You're Ready to Enjoy Your Life as a Caregiver

People talk about caregivers like we’re all the same person. When people mention us, especially if they don’t have first-hand experiences as a caregiver or from working with caregivers you get the idea that they think everything for caregivers...

People talk about caregivers like we’re all the same person. When people mention us, especially if they don’t have first-hand experiences as a caregiver or from working with caregivers you get the idea that they think everything for caregivers should be one size fits all. 

Listen today to learn how although our needs are similar not any two of the 62 million caregivers in the US are never the same and how understanding what phase of caregiving you’re in is important.

Find the transcripts and the free issue of Caregiving Confessions at www.loveyourcaregivinglife.com