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Oct. 8, 2020

I Want To Run Away!!!

Do you remember the moment you felt like running away? That second where you had that brief pause and it all hit you that this was it, at least for now. You know that thought that made you feel the heaviness of the situation and sucked the breath out...

Do you remember the moment you felt like running away?

That second where you had that brief pause and it all hit you that this was it, at least for now.

You know that thought that made you feel the heaviness of the situation and sucked the breath out of your lungs. And for at least a moment (if not more) you wanted to run, leave, or wave a wand and come out of the bad movie you just realized you were in?

It’s ok to feel this. 

How lonely it feels to have these things inside us that we feel we can’t talk about to anyone. 

If you are caring for someone right now it means that you are not living a lifestyle that is carefree. You are probably distracted from life. Not doing much for yourself and when you do you feel like you shouldn’t be. 

Your life IS hard. It is difficult to give so much of yourself to another person.

Talking about it helps. If you'd like to share, I would like to listen. Set up a call or leave a message at www.caregiverconnection.com