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Aug. 25, 2022

Self-Care Summer Series for Caregivers - Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of the Caregiver Self-Care summer series where I take you back to the 4 most important episodes on self-care for caregivers. If you are just finding this for the first time please consider going back and starting with episode 123 as...

Welcome to Part 4 of the Caregiver Self-Care summer series where I take you back to the 4 most important episodes on self-care for caregivers.

If you are just finding this for the first time please consider going back and starting with episode 123 as these episodes all build off of each other. 

If you’ve been following along all month long welcome to the last part of the series!

In this episode I take you through the same process I take my clients through in finding out what kind of self-care works for them and how to implement it into their lives. So grab a notebook or if you’re already subscribed to Caregiving Confessions this will all be included in the September Self-Care issue. 

Caregiving Confessions is a digital magazine for caregivers that not only gives you tools to help you enjoy your caregiving life more but it’s a way for all of us to see and hear that we aren’t alone. Each month we get together in a live session to talk about the main topic of each issue and September will be focused on answering your self-care questions and helping you through any difficulty you might have in making self-care a part of your life. So join us at loveyourcaregivinglife.com/confessions.

Now let’s get on with making self-care a reality for you!