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Aug. 20, 2020

The Connection

I find myself coming back to the caregiver vs loved one role often. How can you be a caregiver but still enjoy your loved one at the same time? How do you take on the responsibility to care for them but still find the energy to connect with them? In...

I find myself coming back to the caregiver vs loved one role often. How can you be a caregiver but still enjoy your loved one at the same time?

How do you take on the responsibility to care for them but still find the energy to connect with them?

In this episode I talk about how I sometimes fall into the trap of being 100% caregiver and how I realized that I also needed to be able to be a wife. I share how I spend so much energy to find ways to keep him alive by advocating for him but once I get him home it shifts in to me caring for him and not fully enjoying moments with him. I also share what I did after his first surgery when needing to find different ways to connect.

For more caregiver support and podcast information go to www.caregiverconnectionpodcast.com