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Sept. 10, 2020

The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect

On our way to meet with a surgeon something happened that made me realize that I have the ability to do something to create a bright or dark moments in someone’s day. Helping my husband through cancer sometimes makes me short sighted but I know that...

On our way to meet with a surgeon something happened that made me realize that I have the ability to do something to create a bright or dark moments in someone’s day. Helping my husband through cancer sometimes makes me short sighted but I know that I love when someone unexpectedly lightens up my day and I should do my best at all times to at least be aware of the potential that I can do the same. 

Listen to this week’s episode (EP 24) and hear what happened to make more realize this. 

I would love to hear about a time someone made your day. Share in the comments or head over to the podcast website and click on “Share Your Story” and share. www.caregiverconncetionpodcast.com